25 of the Best Marketing Campaigns of All Time That Spark Inspiration

Back in the times of three TV networks, AM radio, and newspapers, promotion was a industry that gave us a few of the most entertaining marketing campaigns.

In the modern data driven world, the medium has changed, however the need to acquire attention, drive a purchase, and shift people’s belief of a brand or business is alive and well.

Creating marketing campaigns today might mean going viral, however, the fundamental elements of marketing have not changed as much as you might think.

What Is a Marketing Campaign?

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Basicallytheyrsquo;re a company ’ toward promoting a business goal that is specific tactical attempts. 

Theyrsquo;re meant to reach customers and influence either their perception of the brand or entice buying from them.

A campaign is a most layered thing also. Composed of design components, such as CTAs and pages, and sales targets, such as types and email marketing strategies, all facets of a excellent campaign work together to form this singular thought.

Because it’s necessary to find the information out there 15, Marketing plays .

Why Are Marketing Campaigns So Important?

Marketing campaigns contribute a whole lot toward a company’s image. When executed 20, Although they can vary in extent and size, they typically deliver the advantages.

It Boosts Brand Awareness.

Regardless of what medium you market your message through, you’re exposing your viewers to your own brand. People might become more and more familiar with your products and your business.

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If customers and your earnings increase decide they enjoy your goods ll begin sharing it with their friends and family.

A campaign that is good gets people talking. Re saying great things, take as much free press as possible to enhance your campaign attempts.

It’s Budget Friendly.

Unless you’re planning on featuring a commercial about the Yankee stadium jumbotron, then it’s possible to continue to keep the cost of your campaign low.

The electronic assets needed to build your messaging could be incorporated across campaigns and shared over channels. This saves you money which yoursquo;d on copying content, graphics, and the like, be placing.

It Attracts New Customers.

A great advertising and marketing campaign that engages prospects will surely receive a great deal of favorable attention.

It’therefore easy to overlook one commercial which you saw from the corner of your eye while washing dishes. But if you Find another advertisement while scrolling through your Instagram feedyou ’ve come to understand the brand

In the event that you’re vulnerable one more time and the product really has some value or interest to you, you just may be tempted to see what all the hype is all about.

Next thing you know, you’re giving your payment details.

With online marketing, you have access to a pool of customers which you wouldn’t be able to reach, and the campaign that is perfect will draw them .

7 Simple Steps for Running a Successful Marketing Campaign

The advantages of fresh and outreach leads sound good and good, however preparation and launching a campaign isn’t a snap of your fingers. It’therefore not difficult either, however.

There are some pretty simple steps to work as a manual for executing a marketing effort which ’will yield exciting results for your business.

1. Establish Your Objectives and Goals.

Doing this make sure your teams are on exactly the identical page and will help align all your efforts every step along the way. Objectives will also provide you a means to rate your campaigns effectiveness following it’s launched.

2. Set a Budget.

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Some campaigns are larger than life and it can be inspirational to try and meet the challenge. But you can expend more funds than your company can deal with. Placing a budget helps you plan wisely while still fulfilling your targets.

3. Establish Who Your Target Audience Is.

Who is your ideal customer?

A marketing campaign could be introduced to many different demographics, however, not everybody will be interested in your goods or services. Assessing your audience can allow you to target your content and draw leads who will convert to customers.

4. Create and Design Your Marketing Content.

This is the interesting part. It requires all the proper teams to work in tandem, creating engaging content which ’will strengthen and define your own brand and earn new business.

5. Choose What Channels and Mediums You Will Run Your Campaign On.

Keeping your budget in mind, do. Certain mediums have more sway over specific demographics compared to others.

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Consider what’s likely to have a better ROI for your campaign so you’re maximizing your efforts.

6. Establish the Campaign, and Keep a Close Eye on Metrics.

Monitor the proper KPIs for your benchmarks and the planned goal of your campaign. Perform reporting frequently so you could have true insight on its own progress and performance.

7. Analyze the Results and Make Notes for Future Campaigns.

In the conclusion of this all, you should have solid numbers which will indicate what worked and what didn’t. No matter whether your campaign went viral or flopped horribly, there should always be some incremental takeaways which you may use to future campaigns.

25 of the Best Marketing Campaign Examples You Know and Love

There have been an number of campaigns. And though not every attempt has performed well, there are a few which are so powerful they’re still going.

Below are a few of our advertising and advertising campaign examples of time.

1. Nike: Just Do It

In 1988, Nike earnings were $800 million. They introduced their iconic “Just Do It” effort .

In a decade, earnings topped $2 billion. “Just Do It” really is a core concept which functions.

2. Apple: Get a Mac

Among the most iconic brand development marketing campaigns, Apple’s Mac vs PC effort of 66 places conducted from 2006 to 2009.

Easy and strong, this campaign was entertaining and informative, and it helped build Mac to the brand it is today.

3. Pepsi: Is Pepsi OK?

Employing star endorsements from Super Bowl ads is not just a new fad, however Pepsi pulled some significant star power in their 2019 effort .

Steve Carrell, Lil John, along with Cardi B finally put an end to the debate on if Pepsi is OK or not.


Among the most important tricks in the last few decades, the International House of Pancakes had everybody up in arms over its new commitment to… hamburgers?

It never ended up really happening, however it did create as much buzz which social media moved somewhat mad .

5. Absolut Vodka: The Bottle Campaign


This publish campaign started in 1980 and produced the Absolut bottle the most famous bottle on the planet. The campaign consisted of 1,500 ads and conducted for 25 years.

When it started, Absolut had a 2.5 percent market share. By the time it finished, the business was minding !

6. Red Bull: Stratos

The Red Bull Stratos campaign is an instance of marketing for the modern age!

Skydiver Felix Baumgartner flew 24 kilometers into the edge of space over New Mexico and jumped. He also free-fell for half an hour before drifting back to ground and deploying his parachute. This promotion stunt was among the live events at the history of the Internet.

7. Marlboro: The Marlboro Man

The Marlboro man ads started in 1995, and they have been among the most powerful, and hated, marketing campaigns of the 20th century.

The campaign showcased the “could do spirit of the American cowboy” and made Marlboro one of the best selling cigarette brands in the world.

8. Dos Equis: The Most Interesting Man in the World

Until this campaign started in 2006, beer advertising was about drinking the right beer to get attractive women to like you. The Most Interesting Man in the World positioned Dos Equis as the beer for the sophisticated drinker.

The ending — “I don’t always drink beer, but when I do, I prefer Dos Equis” — brought the message home.

9. Progressive Insurance: Flo

The traditional approach to advertising insurance ranged from staid to sappy. That is until 2008.

Progressive introduced the world to “Flo. ” After over 100 commercials, she’s achieved cult status and changed the way insurance is marketed forever.

10. California Milk Processor Board: Got Milk?

Got Milk? is one of the most identified worldwide marketing campaigns EVER. Between 1993 and 1994, consumption increased seven percent by 13.5 million gallons.

The first ad appeared in 1993 and was just retired after 25 years.

11. Kay Jewelers: Every Kiss Begins with Kay

Everyone knows that “every kiss begins with Kay,” right? Like, every kiss.

Kay Jewelers definitely found a good slogan back in 1985. The line is incredibly popular and often quoted when referencing diamonds in general.

12. Dove: Campaign for Real Beauty

In 2004, Unilever’s research found that only four percent of women considered themselves beautiful. After working with Ogilvy and Mather, Unilever launched the Campaign for Real Beauty.

It exploded.

Talk shows, women’s magazines, and TV news began discussing modern female beauty standards. The campaign evolved into a series of viral videos, commercials, and print ads that changed how we all look at beauty.

13. Chipotle: Back to the Start

Originally conceived as an introductory video for their loyalty program, the “Back to the Start” campaign made a huge splash!

The reaction was so overwhelming that it became the chain’s first national spot. The full two-minute video ran during the 2012 Grammy Awards and ushered in the “branded-content” era.

14. Budweiser: Wassup?

Beer brands have been using humor forever. But few have accomplished what Budweiser did with a single word.


The famous campaign ad was first broadcast in 1999. It only ran for two short years, but it became the most memed ad of the early 21st century.

15. American Legacy: Truth

What the Marlboro Man did for cigarettes back in the ’90s, the American Legacy “Truth” campaign is undoing 25 years later. The concept is to push back against the lies of big tobacco, and it’s working.

Smoking rates in the U.S. are at the lowest levels in history, thanks in part to this campaign!

26. Old Spice: The Man Your Man Can Smell Like

This campaign debuted in 2010, as sales for Old Spice were declining. Old Spice determined the path to growth lay with women.

This simple, funny campaign sold directly to women. It was a success and the star Isaiah Mustafa took it to social media. The company rolled out 186 video responses that gained 11 million views on social media, taking the campaign viral.

17. Apple: 1984 Super Bowl Ad

This ad, a groundbreaking introduction to Apple, is their most famous commercial, and it aired just one time, during the 1984 Super Bowl.

It brilliantly introduced the world to Apple Computers.

18. Avis: We Try Harder

This campaign rocked the advertising world back in 1963 when it first appeared. Pointing out that they had to try harder because they were number two, Avis wasn’t number two for long!

This classic campaign moved from print to TV, radio, and the internet.

19. BMW: The Hire

In 2001 and 2002, BMW created a classic online campaign that leveraged the power of the internet like no brand had before.

BMW films was a form of branded content that consisted of eight short films created by popular filmmakers from around the world and featured actors like Mickey Rourke, Forest Whitaker, Don Cheadle, and Madonna.

20. Aerie: #AerieREAL

Aerie’s campaign to promote body positivity and celebrate women uniquely as they are has been a huge success for them.

With inspiring celebrity role models, the retail company is more focused on demolishing unrealistic beauty standards than pumping out sales. But they seem to be doing both just fine.

21. Target: #TargetTalent






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Target recently started a new social media campaign with some of the top influencers in the game right now.

With the superstore expanding its catalog to be an all-in-one stop shop, their new friends are really boosting an already high brand awareness.

22. Coca-Cola: Share a Coke

This campaign has grown remarkably since its start in 2014. Consumers can buy Coke bottles with the name printed on the labels, which is cool enough. But the ads are endearing too.

Got a unique name? You can go online and order a custom case for yourself.

23. Bud Light: Dilly Dilly!

Bud Light may not have realized what was going to happen when they launched this campaign in 2017.

Featuring a medieval times set, the commercial quickly became viral and had customers cheers-ing with “dilly dilly” for a while. It boosted beer sales substantially for the brand.

24. Allstate: Mayhem

Started in 2010, fans have loved watching just what trouble Mayhem will start for unsuspecting Allstate customers.

It’s a hilarious way of highlighting how you never know what disaster might come to ruin your day.

25. Twix: It’s Time to DeSIDE

Twix renewed its appeal by creating a division among candy fans with a debate over which Twix is the better one: left or right?

The campaign evolved over time with the company creating a new product of”all of lefts” and”all rights.” Whether that is really from the wrapper or not is also up for debate, however, it did its job and brought Twix back to top of thoughts.

These 25 marketing campaigns that were iconic shaped how we market today. There is a good deal to learn from these days, so make sure you study them and anything ideas take over the entire whole world.

They will help you understand marketing best practices, regardless of changing mediums.

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