The Downside of Disgust (Ep. 448)

It’s a powerful biological response that has preserved our species for millennia. But now it may be keeping us from pursuing strategies that would improve the environment, the economy, even our own health. So is it time to dial down our disgust reflex? You can help fix things — as Stephen Dubner does in this
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An Introduction to Persuasive Advertising vs. Informative Advertising

Out of all of the ads that performed Super Bowl 53, there’s commercial that I woke up thinking about the next morning: Pepsi’s & “More Than OK”. “More Than OK” poked fun at how Pepsi usually requires a back seat to Coke, especially at restaurants. And by with a star-studded throw that included Steve Carell,
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It’s Time We Address One of the Biggest Debates of All Time — Is It Soda or Is It Pop?

I grew up in the Midwest, which means I grew up referring to all carbonated beverages as”pop.” It was not bizarre to me. My friends and I said it whenever we were craving a Sprite, Coca-Colayes, even that the then-popular Pepsi Blue. Our parents, peers, and faculty educators all knew exactly what we meant when
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Long-Term Thinking in a Start-Up Town (Ep. 381)

The average American family spends $9,000 per year owning and operating a car that is parked 96 percent of the time. John Zimmer — the president of Lyft — wants to free us from our cars. We talked to him in San Francisco. (Photo: Pxhere) Recorded live in San Francisco. Guests include the keeper of
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How brands are showing their Pride this month

The momentum approximately Pride month along with the LGBTQ+ community is growing. More brands than ever are donning rainbows and identical signals, donating to LGBTQ+ triggers and launching their very own Pride-themed occasions and product to demonstrate their support and connect with people who back the cause. This year, efforts are especially abundant as WorldPride
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